Tuesday, July 20, 2010

La Muerte Tilica y Flaca.

I did this reductive print on a woodblock. I wanted to do sort of a propaganda poster, and was inspired by the design of the Loteria cards (a mexican popular game) and the struggle of the EZLN in Chiapas, Mexico. I'm really happy with the turnout and maybe I'll make it into a series based on different Loteria cards.
Here's a part of the Manifiesto Zapatista that I really like :)

"Nosotros nacimos de la noche,
en ella vivimos, moriremos en ella.
Pero la luz sera manhana para los mas,
para los que hoy lloran la noche,
para quienes se niega el dia.
Para todos la luz.
Para todos todo."

in english:

"We were born from the night,
we live in it, we will die in it.
But light will be tomorrow for most,
for those whom today cry the night,
for those whom day is denied to.
For everyone light.
For everyone everything"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two gray cities

Video inspired by the Poem "The City of yes and the City of No" by russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Name tag project for Design 1 class!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

dinner time

these were taken at the sheridan studio for my photo class, we were supposed to have some kind of narrative and make a slide show with it.. these were my two favorite shots :)
thanks to ebony and greg for their modelling skills :P

Sunday, May 16, 2010

hairs salons on queen

This is only part of a series, that I did, and I will continue to work on. It was done for my Photo II class' Typology assignment. I decided to document the numerous hair salons that are, or have been, established on Brampton's Queen St, in the downtown area. There's a bunch more that I still need to photograph. I chose to use these because I find them aesthetically interesting, but also because I spent a large amount of my childhood in my mother's own beauty salon.

interpretation of a golden cat

this is a sculpture of a cat, as you can tell, made with cardboard.

we breath indifference

really old stuff, i took these about 3 years ago, with a simple point and shoot camera. The concept was people's indifference to pollution and such, i thought I'd upload it just because, and cause the gas mask is fake haha .. a friend and I made it for the series, but I think it looks pretty realistic. They're old and not so good so you can make fun of them if you'd like :P

just drawings of a boot

I had to emulate the work of a photographer, I chose Tina Modotti's flower/plant photos

and this is an old radio!

its a painting of a heart, not much to it, part of a tryptic but i didn't like the other two so i just kept this one :)


Acrylic on canvas

Friday, May 14, 2010

can't remember the title of this

I like it when a subject and its environment are deeply connected. I also like working with duality, light and dark. My family and I, we're close but far. And my surroundings are completely different depending on where I am. So for once I decided to make my loved ones part of my life in canada, so I projected photos of them, most of them taken by me (with the exception of the elmos one, credit goes to tia angelica), on different surfaces of my home.

This was the result of a Photo II assignment, in which we needed to work with like as the subject, but i decided to make my subjects with light. Im pretty happy with the outcome, i know it seems very emotional once its explained, and it is, but is not meant to be cheesy or depressing. I actually think in a way is very tender and almost humorous.

This was the "self as persona" assignment for painting one. I like it. I don't really like acrylics but a whole weekend of isolation allowed me to blend all skin tones properly, my nose looks kind of weird, noses are hard. I need to get on that. And I'm goin to assume I don't need to explain who I painted myself as.

The game of war

This was a photo assignment for Photo I, we had to crate a story or environment on a tabletop.
I like the depth of field more on the first one, but i like the secon's composition better, seems more photo-journalistic (haha I'm so funny). I don't like how the chess board which they're fighting is shiny. The first one is analog and the second one is digital. :)